A new plug-in for Rhino is the T-Splines modeling tool. New modeling techiques with T-Splines offer new ways to design your products.
Modeling in Rhino is based on positioning control points to create curves or surfaces. The Rhinoceros NURBS use a proportional array of control points in U and V direction to create surfaces.
One disadvantage of the proportional array is that the desired shape sometimes need more control points in a specific region. If you for example model a car, some parts of the surfaces are more flat than others.
Modeling in Rhino is based on positioning control points to create curves or surfaces. The Rhinoceros NURBS use a proportional array of control points in U and V direction to create surfaces.

As you can see, the distribution is different with T-Splines and offers better control.
Download an evaluation version at http://www.t-splines.com/ ,or watch the video first.